For anyone who might have been concerned about our radio silence for the last 6 months, be reassured that all is well and indeed rather busy. We had our regular visit to Australia and New Zealand again in February/March. A highlight later in March was our annual meeting of the Dewees Island Property owners, where I was catapulted into the Presidency. Certainly a privilege and an opportunity to give back to our wonderful community, which has been a little disrupted this year by a controversy over rental issues. April always finds us in Augusta, for the Masters golf tournament (watching not playing). We had a bonus this year, as Alex, the oldest Cotton grandchild, was able to come over on her own and join us. Special. A quick trip to Richmond Virginia to give a lecture “50 years of ERCP” in honor of our good friend Alvin Zfass. And, in late May we set off for a long visit to Wales, England and Ireland, to include my big birthday. I will be documenting several of these events separately,when time permits, and I get my head around this complex media world. This web site is reasonably easy to manage, except that all the images of prior blog posts suddenly diappeared recently. They will be replaced, slowly. Facebook I can handle, but my publisher wants me to embrace Twitter and Pinterest, and now Charlotte tells me that cool (young) people only use Instagram. Whatsapp seems popular also……La vie d’artiste c’est difficile.