The world has imploded since my last ramblings less than a month ago. We are locked down, worried about family and friends, and especially those in harm’s way. As a retired physician I am acutely aware of the dedication of all those now in the trenches, and feeling guilty that I am not there with them. I did my bit for almost 50 years, but was never so close to such an aggressive and invisible enemy.
Marion and I are currently well and in good spirits, very fortunate to be isolating on our island, and counting our so many blessings. We have freedom to watch the sunrise over the ocean from our deck, walk the beach, welcome the first hummingbirds, catch and eat fresh crab, and chat with friends, distantly and virtually. Lots of energy to focus on the house. Bookshelves and wardrobes have been tidied and thinned, and boxes of old photos and memorabilia explored, and mainly trashed. Here is one item that I will keep, written while I was contemplating my possible move to USA. It seems to have some relevance to today’s (usually) busy world.

Be well and be safe
Very glad to hear that you both safe and your family too.
What a poem! It could have been written today rather than 1986 as it is so relevant now.
We planned to downsize into a smaller house but were unable to sell our’s, which in hindsight was a godsend as being isolated in the country where, as you indicate the fauna, flora and country walks are so important. Every Thursday at 8pm everyone in this small community appear at their windows and clap hands for all those risking their own lives at the coalface in the NHS.
My eldest son, Justin, is about to lose his job with KPMG. Catherine, who is a working GP has probably had the virus and survived it together with breast cancer last year but not feeling great. Thom, youngest son who lives alone in Exeter is a concern because of his schizophrenia but managing. I speak with him daily.
Harry who is Catherine’s eldest son got a first in Biochemistry at Imperial College and was due to go to Pembroke College, Cambridge this October. Ben, his brother, is at Warwick doing Economics and Issy, Cathy’s daughter, is still at school. Justin’s has 2 daughters, Emmi is the eldest and is at Birmingham University reading English & Drama whilst Lara, her sister, is still at school. I fear for all their futures, life will be challenging for them all even on the “straight highway”.
Vivianne is about to have an urgent operation in Exeter next week and sister Val, is driving from Palm Beach, Florida where she has been self isolating for past month but is driving for 18hrs+ to her home in White Plains, NY today. I shall contact her later…
I sincerely hope that you and your family remain well
Thanks Mike, only 60 years since you dragged me away from my studies at St Thomas’s to the golf course…good memories
That did not take a lot of persuading every Tuesday at Worplesdon. Do you remember stopping for lunch on the way down and one of the regulars either Preece, Heughan or McCay (on day release from Guys) bet that you could not eat the whole pot of mustard on the table. The bet was 2s 6p or 2/6 in old money. As you were so hard up you took the bet and won much to the amusement of all…
Love your 1986 ponderings Peter. Glad you are both ok, stay safe x
Peter, really appreciate the history around VE Day in the UK.
Thx for including me.
Becky and I send our love to all.