Need some GI updates, with CME?

The Medical University of SC is now offering its weekly Gastroenterology/Hepatology grand rounds virtually at 7am on Wednesdays. Tomorrow, David Whitcomb of Pittsburg will speaks about “Early and effective management of pancreatitis”. Next week I will present “How flexible endoscopy began”.

Anyone wishing to participate can contact me or Cindy Peeples at [email protected]

1 thought on “Need some GI updates, with CME?”

  1. For my medical friends (if any), a reminder that the Medical University of SC is holding virtual GI/Hepatology grand rounds every Wednesday at 7 am EST. Anyone interested in signing up for announcements can contact me at [email protected].
    The talk next wednesday will be fascinating, all about the power of placebos and how treatments are presented makes all the difference, even if they are therorically “inactive”, especially when intended to manage pain. I learnt about this and Dr Jonas’ work while struggling to understand the results of our EPISOD study, in which patients undergoing a sham procedure for suspected biliary sphincter dysfunction did as well and eventually better than those who got the active treatment, sphincterotomy. Big implcations for medical practice in all fields

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