One of the joys of a lifetime in academic medicine is the privelege of mentoring bright young people and watching them grow into productive careers. In my case that has included many traineees from overseas, who have kindly invited me to visit and teach, at the last count in over 50 countries. The teaching part is pretty much finished now, but happily the visiting continues.
We are now in Sydney, from which the first Austrailian came to work with me in London. Tim and Susie Heap arrived in 1974 and have been close friends ever since. This weekend we were with them at the farm belonging to their daughter Eliza and husband Duncan in the Hunter Valley north of Sydney. Fred the snake came too….

The Hunter Valley is known for its wine, and food……and looks like Tuscany

We were joined there by Tony and Michelle Clarke (on right), long friends from Canberra, fresh from skiiing in Japan (hence the arm in the sling).
Then to Sydney to stay with Paul and Sue Edwards, close friends since Paul came to work with me at Duke in 1991. Lovely stay in their apartment, and a fun water taxi ride in the rain to the famous fish market.

Sue has a cattle farm in Mossvale in the southern Highlands. Fred was impressed, if a little intimidated

And hoping to see Bernie and June Laurence who live not far away in Tasmania. Bernie witnessed my first ERCP sphincterotomy in London in 1975 and wrote amusingly about it in “The Tunnel at the End of the Light” (which documents so many special friends)

Lucky us.
All part of life’s rich tapestry.