Three years ago I wrote about my time on the staff of the Middlesex hospital in London, and explained it's unusual name
Unfortunately the illustrations of that piece seem to have disappeared
The Middlesex closed in 2005 and it's functions and staff joined the University College Hospital, now in a fancy new building on Euston Rd. Many of us (particularly the nurses) were and are sad about the loss, having good memories of our Middlesex days, but have been reminiscing happily on a dedicated Facebook page. I was surprised to discover recently and pleased to be able to report that a Middlesex Hospital still exists, in the USA in Middlesex county in Connecticut.
It is clearly a full service hospital
I was anxious to learn more and tracked down the Chief of Gastroenterology, Gregor Koobatian. He was kind enough to put me in contact with an historian, who shared some photos of the building taken about 100 years ago.
And a splendid summary of the Hospital written in 1920.

My enquiry about why Middlese exists in USA elicited this response. I guess many English place names crossed the Atlantic in those early days

All part of life's rich tapestry