While contemplating writing another of my books about Fred the lovable snake, I have been remembering the authors which captured my imagination as a child, and perhaps awakened my own muse. There were four authors, all British, like me...
Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) is of course famous for "Through the looking glass" and "Alice in Wonderland". Why are those curious stories and images so fascinating?
Roald Dahl (1916-1990) was a prolific writer in several genres. His first book for children was "James and the Giant Peach" which became popular, but he is best known now for "Matilda" that has morphed into movies and an ever-popular musical.
Matilda is one of my favorite stories by Hillaire Belloc (1870-1953) in his wonderful "Cautionary tales for children". My grandmother used to sing it to me while playing scary tunes on the piano. Matilda told lies which undid her. "When she shouted fire, they all responded little liar". Other children got their unique grisly comeuppances for misbehaving. One for eating string "the doctors, as they took their fees, said there is no cure for this disease. Henry will very soon be dead"). Another was eaten by a lion when running away at the zoo "be sure to keep a hold of nurse, for fear of finding something worse". And many more.....Belloc was borne French but was smart enough to take British nationality and even became a Member of Parliament.
Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) is remembered and loved for her charming stories about cute rabbits, notably Peter Rabbit, Flopsy, Mopsy, Benjamin Bunny and Cottontail.
Why am I telling you all this (those who have got this far)? Apologies, but I was unable to resist sharing excerpts from two reviews for my first Fred book.
The Children’s book review 2018. In the vein of the great cautionary tales, from writers like Hilaire Belloc to Roald Dahl, How Fred the Snake Got Squished, and Mended uses witty illustrations and multi-layered language to hide an important message within a wildly entertaining story.
Children's Bookwatch: 2015 Midwest Book Review. An award-winning children's book series in stunning verse, "When Fred the Snake Got Squished and Mended" (otherwise popularly known as "Fred-Fred") is a beloved, original tale of a charming, adventurous, jungle snake pet who lacked crossing traffic skills...... Kids of all ages will enjoy this delightful story and entire series, originally written by an English physician for the enjoyment of his children and grandchildren. Move over for "Fred-Fred," Lewis Carroll!
And of course we have a special connection with Beatrix Potter. I did not know until I moved to USA that I was named after a rabbit. Peter Cottontail is a popular American character, busy especially when hopping around at Easter-time. Check out people had, and still have, a habit of giggling at my name. We have embraced the connection, not least because I have the full monty: Benjamin is my middle name.
We visited Beatrix Potter's house recently.
Thanks for sticking with me ...if you have.