Some exciting developments.
Since teaming up with Bublish ( we have revamped Freds 1-3 and 5, and are just completing changes to Fred 4 (adding other sights around Charleston). All in hardback, softback and ebooks. Available at decent stores and (signed) at
Selling childrens books is tough. There are so many excellent ones on the market, and celebreties are jumping on board with a head start. Bublish may have got us into one of the big box stores! Fingers crossed. Word of mouth is good, so please tell all your friends with smalls about Fred.
NOW FOR FRED 6. We are beginning to plan “When Fred family and friends explore USA”.
Jungle Jim will fly the team around the major sights. Please help by asking your smalls (and others) which sights to include and what adventures might be fun on the journey.
Thanks from Fred and I