May 8th VE Day

May 8th is forever VE (Victory in Europe) day, celebrating when WW2 ended in Europe 75 years ago (not until 4 months later in the Pacific). Since I was only just 6 years old when the war ended, I have rather few memories of those times and some may well be scrambled. My esteemed older

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Dorcas and Rita

A special reunion recently. Dorcas Chapman visited us from England and met up with Rita Oden/Koisch in Mount Pleasant, SC. They served and survived as my personal secretaries for a grand total of 40 years, Dorcas at St Thomas’s and The Middlesex in England 1970-86 and then Rita at Duke and MUSC until retiring in

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Update on Fred the Snake books

Some exciting developments. Since teaming up with Bublish ( we have revamped Freds 1-3 and 5, and are just completing changes to Fred 4 (adding other sights around Charleston). All in hardback, softback and ebooks. Available at decent stores and (signed) at Selling childrens books is tough. There are so many excellent ones on

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