Author name: Peter Cotton

Please review some Fred books on Amazon

Fred book 8 is almost done! Sneak peak at the cover Fred could use some publicity of the seven previous books, and would be pleased if anyone could add a review or two on Amazon. It is rather easy. Simply enter one of the links Squished School 194854346X Visit  Charleston Beach        

Please review some Fred books on Amazon Read More »

Celebrating Kees Huibregtse

Marion and I were so sorry to hear that Kees Huibregtse passed recently. My GI/medical readers will be well aware of Kees’ illustrious career in Amsterdam. He was one of the pioneers in the early days of flexible endoscopy and a consumate generous teacher. Endoscopists, especially “ERCPists”, flocked to learn from him from all over

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Looking forward to the pantomime in England “Oh yes we are”

For those not familiar with “Panto”, a traditional holiday treat in England, I offer a few comments and explanations with much help from my friend Wikipedia. Please support Wikipedia Pantomime is a type of musical comedy stage production designed for family entertainment. It is performed throughout the United Kingdom, Ireland and (to a lesser extent) in

Looking forward to the pantomime in England “Oh yes we are” Read More »

Two (different) Giants of Gastroenterology have fallen.

Sad to write that Walt Hogan and Jose Ramon Armengol Miro passed recently. They dominated their respective fields but were so different in character. Others will document their massive contributions at appropriate length and eloquence. Allow me some brief personal comments and reminiscences. WALT HOGAN was a sweet gentleman, reserved, always smiling and cheerful. He

Two (different) Giants of Gastroenterology have fallen. Read More »

The Queen and the Monarchy

Knowing my British roots, which are still strong, if somewhat stretched after 36 years in USA, several people have kindly offered their condolences after the Queen’s recent passing and have asked for my comments about the monarchy. That has caused me to examine my mixed feelings about the institution. Maybe writing about it and them

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