Author name: Peter Cotton

Shout out to Cristina, the designer of my Fred books

Meet Cristina Young, the “designer” of my books about Fred the snake and his friends. She weaves my words and Bonnie’s illustrations into the printed books. I hadn’t realised the importance of the designer until we started working together. We just finished the 9th book about Fred’s adventures which will be on sale very soon.

Shout out to Cristina, the designer of my Fred books Read More »

FIVE stars for Fred book #8!

Next day, they all have gone, to a park called Yellowstone
to see Old Faithful Geyser. Careful, you’d be wiser
to stand back and watch it squirt, fountains and some lumps of dirt.
Then Jack said “WOW, look at that enormous cow”.
Jim replied, “No, my son, what you’re seeing is a bison.
They used to roam the plains in herds, big flocks of them like birds,
until the hunters came, and killed so many, what a shame.

FIVE stars for Fred book #8! Read More »

Fred has been traveling…a lot! Book #8 is now out! Fred and friends travel from Texas to Vegas

Wow, Fred has been busy recently! In January he published his 8th book, exploring the Central USA with his friends. Starting in Texas, they traveled to Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone, Durago (for gold panning), the awesome Canyons, the Apache nation, Tucson desert musesum and ending in Vegas, where he married Bernadette! He is currently working with

Fred has been traveling…a lot! Book #8 is now out! Fred and friends travel from Texas to Vegas Read More »

Wonderful New Zealand

My recent ramble about friends “down under” reflected on my good fortune to have past trainees who have been kind enough to entertain us in Australia. A related medical connection took us also to New Zealand, where we were hosted by Linda Robert. We met “Bobbie” many years ago as the owner of OBEX, a

Wonderful New Zealand Read More »

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